Sunday 26 April 2015

The Guild's First Adventure

A little inspiration was needed to continue painting the figures for Arcadia Quest. The Goblinoids are nearly completed (a later posting) as the first Needed adversaries for the heroes. The beast men and key baddies are left to do.

We tried a four player game with the first quest from the back selected. Characters are all basically the same except for a single skill. The characters are then modified by a set of identical starting equipment which you can distribute amongst your intrepid heroes.

We managed two games which Grandad won them both! The first game was the usual getting to grips with the basics. Initial feelings were that it was difficult to see a clear way of achieving victory. The second game felt more purposeful as characters were matched with more effective equipment, and the focus of achieving Guild victory leading clearer character actions.

Highlights of the game were William's portal 'hit and disappear" tactics, and Grandad losing three characters in two rounds. Thankfully the game system allows the characters to quickly rejoin the action, even if a little battered and bruised. Also the dice gremlins seemed to be sitting on Grandma's shoulders with swords being rolled instead of bows, and vice versa, when needed; definitely more dice rolling practice needed in the Orange Guild House!


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